I simply wonder whether you managed to watch Russian news TV-programs lately? Oh, I'm sure you did. And I have no doubt that after watching that scenes you still can not get rid of the feeling that there exists fair and noble country, that takes care about every offended nation in this cruel world, and that country is - Russian Federation.
Tears stayed in my eyes when I watched Russian "peacemakers" taking part in the dangerous operations in order to save Ossetia peaceful citizens who were attacked with no mercy and consious by the Georgian troops. Maybe even Georgian troops who can not be even compared with the quantity of Russian military forces bombarded Ossetia town with the "Grad" (that actually exists in Russia only). And Georgian specially trained snipers were single-mindedly killing peaceful citizens, who are actually of the same nation with them. And only clean and clear Russian Federation located its military navy (equipped with rockets and bombs) near the sea costs of Georgia - and all that efforts only in order to evacuate people.
What a great Russia with its Empire "democratic" traditions! And what an awful small country with the brave people who wants to be free of Russia!
But who cares about the wishes of any small country when "making peace" is the main line of the foreign policy of the gient who was born on the ruins of the Soviet Union? Who cares about political geography and simple tact when you may say an obvious lies in the news and crack internet-sites that does not support your ideas? Who cares about people when president and prime-minister act like in a good scheduled theatre play and the world keeps silence?
Who will be next: Ukraine? Lithuania?
Can you be sure that tomorrow in your town you will not see the "peacemaker with Love from Russia"?!
Don't be indifferent!
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